Reading Fundamentals Bundle, Thursday, February 27 & Monday, March 10
Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Multicomponent Approach
Date: Thursday, February 27, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. EST
Instructors: Colleen McGlynn, MS Ed and Jill Fedele, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 2-8, Administrators, Educators
Mastering Morphology: Build Reading and Spelling Skills that Stick
Date: Monday, March 10, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD and Sarah Golden, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 3-8, Administrators, Educators
Credentials: 4 approved CTLE Hours
Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Multicomponent Approach
Date: Thursday, February 27, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. EST
Instructors: Colleen McGlynn, MS Ed and Jill Fedele, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 2-8, Administrators, Educators
Mastering Morphology: Build Reading and Spelling Skills that Stick
Date: Monday, March 10, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD and Sarah Golden, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 3-8, Administrators, Educators
Credentials: 4 approved CTLE Hours
Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Multicomponent Approach
Date: Thursday, February 27, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. EST
Instructors: Colleen McGlynn, MS Ed and Jill Fedele, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 2-8, Administrators, Educators
Mastering Morphology: Build Reading and Spelling Skills that Stick
Date: Monday, March 10, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD and Sarah Golden, MS Ed
Audience: Grades 3-8, Administrators, Educators
Credentials: 4 approved CTLE Hours
Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Multicomponent Approach
Why This Workshop
Reading fluency is a core reading skill that eludes many readers, particularly readers with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities. Defined as reading with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody, reading fluency serves as a bridge between decoding and reading comprehension and plays a critical role in overall reading competence. Often neglected in reading programs, fluency can be taught, practiced, and monitored within any reading program. This workshop supports teachers in understanding fluency’s role within a child’s literacy development and how to implement effective teaching practices and assessment techniques for developing fluency.
Key Learning Objectives
Understand the role and characteristics of fluency in skilled reading.
Analyze the connection between fluency, decoding, and comprehension.
Learn the most effective and feasible tools for assessing fluency.
Identify research-based, program-agnostic strategies and practices to support reading fluency instruction.
Mastering Morphology: Build Reading and Spelling Skills that Stick
Why This Workshop
Morphology, the study of word parts such as prefixes, suffixes, and roots, is an essential literacy skill that significantly aids students in decoding complex words, building vocabulary, and improving language and reading comprehension. Discover the developmental progression of morphology knowledge and effective strategies for teaching morphological awareness and word-building. Equip your classroom with the tools needed to ensure that reading and spelling skills are learned, retained, and effectively applied.
Key Learning Objectives
Learn the role of morphology in decoding, vocabulary development, and language comprehension.
Understand the developmental sequence of morphology skills.
Apply routines and strategies for advanced word reading and spelling skills.
Gain resources and activities to promote morphological awareness, multisyllable word reading, and vocabulary knowledge across a variety of content material.