Wonderful Words: Engaging Strategies for Boosting Language and Critical Thinking Skills Thursday, May 15 4:30-5:30 p.m. ET
Date: Thursday, May 15 4:30-5:30 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD
Grades 1-6
Credentials: 1 Approved CTLE Hours
Date: Thursday, May 15 4:30-5:30 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD
Grades 1-6
Credentials: 1 Approved CTLE Hours
Date: Thursday, May 15 4:30-5:30 p.m. EST
Instructors: Alison Leveque, PhD
Grades 1-6
Credentials: 1 Approved CTLE Hours
Why This Workshop
Developing strong language and critical thinking skills is essential for reading comprehension and literacy success in elementary students. This workshop will provide engaging and practical strategies to introduce figurative language into your classroom. We'll explore fun activities, games, and exercises focused on riddles, puns, idioms, and multiple meaning words. Join us to learn how structured word and language exploration can enrich your teaching and support literacy growth across all areas of the curriculum.
Key Learning Objectives
• Understand how rich language experiences support oral language development and comprehension.
• Explore engaging games and activities to strengthen word knowledge and language awareness.
• Discover effective ways to teach and reinforce multiple-meaning words.
• Strengthen verbal reasoning skills with idioms, puns, and riddles.
• Take away practical tools and adaptable resources to seamlessly weave word and language learning into speaking, listening, reading, and writing.